
一起來捍衛自己的權益!!回應新的 Facebook 準則

在此回應新的 Facebook 準則,我謹聲明我的著作權附加到所有我個人的詳細資訊、 狀態更新、 訊息、 照片、 視頻,我線上發佈在其他所有個人頁面、專頁頁面、或任何業務頁上的內容及其他應用設定檔內容。以上所述用於商業用途,任何時候都需要經過我書面的同意。
In response to the new Facebook guidelines, I hereby declare that my copyright is attached to all of my personal details, status updates, messages, photos, videos, and all other personal content that I post online (as a result of the Berner Convention) on my personal profile page, anyone else's page, or any business page. For commercial use of the above, my written consent is needed at all times.


Our Global Site Governance Vote

Facebook, Inc. and Facebook Ireland Ltd., which together operate the Facebook service worldwide, recently posted some proposed updates to our Data Use Policy and our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities for your review and feedback. Those updates provided more detailed information about our practices, reflected changes to our products, and modified how we conduct our site governance process.
The period for submitting your comments has ended, but you can still provide feedback on those proposals by taking part in our site governance vote. To learn more about our proposed updates (which include additional clarifications based on your comments) and the vote, please visit our Site Governance Page. Voting will end on 2012年12月10日 at 12 (PST) / 2012年12月10日 at 20 (GMT). We encourage you to review and vote on the proposed versions of our governance documents.
Thank you for your feedback and participation in this process.
你的動態時報。 You have settings that help you design how your timeline will appear to others, like hiding things from your timeline. Remember that this only impacts whether those things are visible on your timeline. Those posts are still visible elsewhere, like in news feed, on other people's timelines, or in search results. You can delete your own posts from your timeline or activity log, or ask someone else to delete a post you're tagged in.
Cookies info: Technologies like cookies, pixels, and local storage are used to deliver, secure, and understand products, services, and ads, on and off Facebook. 了解更多 about how we and our partners use cookies and similar technologies.

Starts:12/3, 2012 at 12:00 pm (PST)
Ends:12/10, 2012 at 12:00 pm (PST)








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